Monday, July 30, 2012

From Hidden Dirt to Good Dirt

In the last 2.5 weeks since we took possession of 2.5 acres and a 1957 house, I have been working nearly six days a week gutting the house, ripping out walls, ripping up floors, tearing out old rotting cabinets, cleaning out the crawl space, and digging out access to the septic so it could be pumped and get an enema.  Exposing rot to the air and sunshine.  Removing crap.  Recycling metal, wood, glass, and filling a dumpster with materials that have more than served their lifetime.

And it has given much time to reflecting.  And my favorite kind--reflecting while using my hands (as a philosopher, I'm coming to find that active reflection is when I do my best thinking.  And I've been thinking about the process of purging and cleansing.  Whether I'm working on healing my own crap or walking with others and helping them be healed of their crap, it is much like ripping out an old building.  I can tear down walls that block myself or others from healing--but I don't do the healing myself.  I can help others be get access to their 'septic tank' but I can't deal with others' crap any more than others who help me get access to my 'septic tank' can deal with my crap.

And the worst type of mold or rot is that which is hidden from the sunlight and air--it's locked up and not allowed to breathe or be purified by light.  And those are perfect conditions for rot and mold.  I love dirt, but dirt that is under the house and not ventilated properly can get quite stanky.

Air.  Sunshine.  Cleansing.  Removing.  It's not about hiding--it's about airing out.  And while I've made a mess in the process, it has felt SO good to purge.  Only one or two more days left of this purging and deconstructing before we move into the construction phase of rebuilding and bringing life to places that were stifled and rotting.  Thanks be to God for close friends and a wife who walk with me in this process airing and bringing light.  Life must get messy before it gets good.

By the way, if anyone wants to participate in the last couple days of purging and sledge-hammering, feel free to join me.  Check out this site for more frequent updates and pictures.  The way to 'friend' the page is to 'like' it and then you'll get updates when we post.

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