What do angels look like? We had to face this question when given the assignment to come up with an angel costume (Gabriel, to be precise) for our son's Christmas program. Of course, they are usually depicted as wispy, white, and utterly detached from anything on this earth. But if angels are all around us and in our midst, then it's very likely that they are much more earthy than clouldly. We know that when they appear to people, usually people are afraid--thus the usual greeting 'Fear not!' But we don't know that the fear came from their appearing in wispy, gossamer gowns with tinsel on their heads. Stuck, then with how to give Jonathan some appropriate Gabriel Garb,

I decided to go for ferns instead of tinsel. So here are Jonathan's fern wings.
And as for our other son, I was delighted when Daniel's Pre-K teacher told me that she gave him the option of what part he wanted to play in their Christmas play, and he chose a shepherd. He didn't pick a king or Joseph, but the shepherd. This kid is down to earth.
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