Tuesday morning instead of being in a classroom, we hiked around the peninsula, over white limestone rocks, walking in silence 'reading nature' while stepping over the many shelled creatures and trying to keep our distance from the ripe-smelling seals sunbathing on the rocks. Finally we came to our first spot to talk about that morning's reading and this was our classroom. I've taught this material before, but for some reason, being out there discussing these things made a much deeper impression on me, and the discussion went in directions it had never gone before.

For example, these great students were giving me all sorts of Biblical reasons why I as the "Stick Man" should relate to the earth differently. That is, why should a person who is convinced that it is 'my God-given duty to dominate, control and use the earth as I please' stop beating the earth and start relating to it as a fellow creature who is put in charge of caring for it? Let's just say 'stick man' was not easily convinced. Good understanding of Scripture was needed, for sure, but it would take more than that to convince me to change the way I relate to creation. Stick man remained stick man for the day.
Fun to see a few more pictures and read a bit more about your trip. I hope to see more pics before long.
More on the way.
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