We got the small plot of lawn seeded this week two days prior to the onset of the rain! We used a seed combination developed by an OSU professor who wanted an eco-friendly lawn that required no fertilizer and little watering. It only needs to be mowed once a month, and can get by with mowing once or twice a year. It

has the look of an cottage meadow because it has several varieties of small flowers mixed in with the grass. This allows the different plants to feed each other (strawberry clover returns nitrogen to the soil, eg.), rather than having a mon0-culture lawn which depletes the soil and requires continued applications of fertilizer. It's called 'Fluer de Lawn' and can be purchased at
Hobbs and Hopkins in Portland. It will look something like
1 comment:
Can't wait to see your OSU grass. I'd expect it to have a tent of orange to it. GO AGGIES
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