I was amazed at how delightful it is to get into the rhythm of swinging a 2-foot blade back and forth across the lawn. This thing is solar powered (indirectly--via the food I eat which is produced by the sun), and I've never had so much fun mowing the lawn. I was looking for a way to cut the lawn high (making even longer, healthier roots) that did not involve a gas- powered mower.

I decided to try this and could not believe how well it worked. I was convinced my lawn would be all hacked up, but it came out looking not bad. If you'd like to give it a try, feel free to come over and test it on my lawn (but you'll have to get it away from me first). =)
Post Script: (added 10-8-09). I just read a short 3 page essay by Wendell Berry entitled "A Good Scythe" found in
The Gift of Good Land on how much better a scythe is than a power weed whacker. Better, that is, at doing the job, and much more enjoyable to use--he actually finds it a pleasure to use. And I couldn't agree more. Here's a quote:
"The Marugg grass scythe proves itself an excellent tool. It is the most satisfying hand tool that I have ever used. In tough grass it cuts a little less uniformly than the power scythe. In all other ways, in my opinion, it is a better tool because, it is light, it handles gracefully & comfortably even on steep ground, it is far less dangerous, it is quiet & makes no fumes, it is much more adaptable. In rank growth one narrows the cut & shortens the stroke. It always starts - provided the user will start. Aside from reasonable skill & care in use, there are no maintenance problems. It requires no fuel or oil. It runs on breakfast. It’s cheaper to buy than most weed eaters & is cheaper to use than any other power mower. And best of all it’s good exercise."